
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Calling all e.l.f.ettes! Latest e.l.f. loves plus a giveaway!

If you've been following for a while, it's no secret that I love me some e.l.f.  Understatement, right?

And it's been far too long since I've dished on e.l.f. goodies, which is an outrage especially since recently e.l.f. let me pick out some new merch to try.  Oh, did I mention that I get to give some of it away to you bargainistas?!  Yep, it's true.  Early Merry Christmas to you!

I'll get to how you can win some of my favorite products in a sec, but first, allow me to introduce you to my latest loves.  It was almost impossible to pick my top 3, but after much deliberation, these have to be it::

1. First up we have my current brush obsession.  The $3 e.l.f. studio stipple brush, which can be used with wet or dry make-up. 
Personally, I've only used this with liquid foundation and I heart it. It's perfect for blending and building from sheer to full depending on the occasion. My skin is not the best, and this brush helps me cover my flaws effortlessly.

In all my pics from my Vegas recap post, I used this brush to apply my foundation. Tell me I don't look good. I'm definitely, TOTALLY kidding!  But really, it does a fab job and like all their brushes, is high end quality for CHEAP.

2. Next, we have e.l.f.'s $3 Studio Cream Eyeliner in black. Two words: I die.
And I'm not the only one who can vouch for this bomb eye shadow: PLL and Carol are also big fans.  Last night when I told Carol I was doing an e.l.f. review post she said and I quote ...

"I love the e.l.f. creme eye liner more than I love pizza.  Maybe not as much as pizza, but It beats the shiz out of my Make Up Forever one for the price." 

Here's proof of her love of it:
And homegirl knows her eyeliner, just go here to see for yourself.

In fact, a few of my friends borrowed mine this weekend while we were getting ready in Veeehguuus and loved it as well.  So don't just take my word for it. This stuff is LEGIT.  It goes on super smooth with that brush it comes with, is jet black and it actually stays put. Highly, highly recommend and I'm an eyeliner snob.

3. And last but not least, I've got to give props to the $3 e.l.f. studio bronzer in warm. 
Bronzer is tricky, and I've devoted an entire post about this subject that you can read here.  You can end up looking too orange or muddy if you aren't careful, but this shade is just right and diz-uh, so is the price.  This particular bronzer gives a great natural, sun kissed look for pasty pale beotches like me. What are you waiting for?  It's fall and time to get your bronzer on! 

If you want to order anything online, there is free shipping for orders over $25 until Oct 3 using the code SHIP25.  You're welcome.

OK ....

Now that you've acquainted yourselves with my latest loves, it's time to reveal what's in the GIVEAWAY!  Seven is supposed to be lucky, so here are 7 of my favorite e.l.f. products that I've hand picked just for y'all:
1. Shimmering Facial Whip in Lilac Petal (perfect for highlighting cheekbones)
2. Mineral Infused Mascara in Black (obsessed & all I wear now)
3. Eyelid primer in sheer (gives you smooth foundation for applying shadow)
4. Waterproof Eyeliner Pen in Black (awesome for winging out your eyeshadow)
5. Glossy Gloss in Dragon Fruit (love this gloss!)
6. Natural False Lash Kit (Worn in all Vegas pics! Look the same as MAC lashes. Swear.)
7. Make-up Mist and Set (Like "hairspray for your face".)

Sooo, let's keep the entry for this giveaway simple:

1. You must be a a follower of me on Google Friend Connect. 

2. You have to leave me a comment telling what 3 make-up products you would wear if you could only wear 3 and were going to have dinner with one of my 2 fave Ryans: Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling (or whoever tickles your fancy).  Only 3 (they can be anything)!  Now go.

You have until midnight tomorrow to enter and you only need to leave one comment. 

Open to U.S. and International residents! 

Good luck!  May the best bargainista win. 

p.s. If you want to tweet, blog or facebook this giveaway, I won't stop you! *wink*
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  1. My 3 make-up must haves are 1.elf face pimer 2. UD eyeshadow primer & 3. MAC Opulash

    xoxo Beth

  2. I'm a follower!

    And holy crap, dinner with Ryan and only three pieces of makeup?! Okay...

    Definitely mascara. And lip gloss. And eye shadow.

    Oh gosh.

  3. i follow...duh.

    and the 3 items are mascara, foundation, and blush. done. i might could switch out the blush for lipgloss. but if i was going to din with justin timberlake (kick rocks ryan reynolds) then i would need like a makeup army to get me ready...just so we're clear.

    can you believe i just entered this giveaway?

    p.s. will you do an elf makeover on me in nola?!

  4. I follow you!

    I would wear:
    1. Mascara
    2. Eye shadow
    3. Bronzer

    Basically all I wear every day anyways haha I love ELF!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm a follower!!!

    I HAVE to wear:

    1. Mascara
    2. Eyeliner
    3. Blush

  7. I'M A FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH I WANT THIS SO BAD I LOOOOOVE E.L.F....that bronzer is fab!!! I would wear mascara, simple cream eye shadow (like a pearl color) and lip gloss :) :) :)

  8. I follow you and I would wear...

    1. Mascara
    2. Foundation
    3. eyeliner

  9. I follow! And im doing a giveaway over on my blog as well:) Hope you stop by!

    Definetly wear:

  10. I am follower & a recent lover of e.l.f. because of you!! :) I still need to get some of the mist, but anyways...

    1. Foundation
    2. Mascara
    2. Eyeliner

  11. I would wear foundation, mascara, and lip gloss on my hottttt date with Ryan Reynolds! Love elf!

  12. I follow your blog!

    If I were to go on a date with Ryan (Gosling of course!) I would wear mascara, eyeshadow and a tinted lip gloss. My eyeliner is tattooed otherwise that would definitely be up there!

    However, my husband probably wouldn't be very happy with me going on a date with either Ryan! :)

  13. IF I got to go to dinner with Ryan Gosling? Psh, please. We go out ALL the time :)

    Anyway, I'd have to say foundation, e.l.f. liquid eyeliner, and my e.l.f. mascara to really make my eyes pop! I would have added lipgloss in there but, let's be honest... we'd be smooching all night :) TMI?

  14. I am a fairly new follower and am loving your blog! My 3 picks would definitely be mascara, concealor and blush. I would look like a corpse without those!

  15. pick me, pick me! (even though ive been semi-mia from the blog world as of late)

    3 products. hmmmm...
    i'd pick liquid eyeliner, blush and lipgloss!

  16. Um obviously a follower!
    I would choose eyeliner, mascurrrraaa, and eye shadow; all about the baby blues :)
    Xo love you

  17. First off, I pick Ryan Reynolds... SWOON!!

    And this is impossible, bc I would need much more than 3 make-ups if I was going to be in the presence of Le Ryan!!

    I choose eyeliner, blush and lipstick!!

  18. Ryan Gosling :)
    Foundation, Mascara, & eyeshadow.

    GFC: Life as A Southern Girl

  19. I'm a follower!
    I would choose those 3 following products to wear on a date with Ryan Reynolds:
    1-Mineral foundation
    2-Black Intense Mascara
    3-Pink lipgloss

    I totally want to win that giveaway!!!

  20. im a follower! mascara, foundation, and eyeliner.

  21. And three products only? Foundation, powder, and lipgloss...for all our making out (and ny our, I mean me and them...not me and you...just in case you missed that bahaha!). My lips will need re-hydrated after ;)

  22. I've been a follwer of yours for months! If I was going on a date with Ryan Reynolds (Id say Ryan Gosling but he looks identical to my dad when my dad was younger so that would be a little creepy lol), I would wear
    1) MAC powder foundation
    2) NARS Orgasm blush (the best)
    3) LashBlast blackest black mascara


  23. If i went on a date with Ryan Gosling I would definitely have to pick blush, mascara, and a berry colored lip gloss :)

  24. 1. I follow youuuuu :)

    2. Products
    (a) Urban Decay Naked Palette
    (c) Foundation


  25. I'm a follower~! My 3 are foundation, eyeshadow, and eyeliner! Oh, and I got your address wrong and it came back to me. It was my typo! Ooops sorry! It's in the mail now! ;) Fingers Crossed!

  26. Totally follow youuuuu

    and my 3 must have make up items for dinner with Ryan Reynolds b/c I would totally leave the boy for him (i kid i kid) areeeee.....

    Under eye concealer and bronzerrrr

    Im excited about this giveaway!!!!

  27. Weren't we just talking about e.l.f. when you were here?

    I'm obviously a follower.

    3 things...

    Eye shadow, Eye liner and blush.

    p.s. I was just at Target last night looking at stuff, well or buying things too. ;)

  28. I'm obviously already a follower.

    Moving on.

    I'm all about eye makeup. So much 3 are eyeliner, eye shadow (preferably loose!), and mascara. DONE!

  29. follower of course!

    id have to say... foundation, eyeliner, bronzer/blush

    love the giveawa btw and i HAVE to get me some elf now!!!

  30. I'm a follower, and my three makeup products would be:
    1. Foundation
    2. Mascara
    3. Lip gloss
    And I'd so go with Ryan Gosling.... yum! :)
    <3 Carrie

  31. If I were to go to dinner with a Ryan (can't decide which Ryan I prefer...probably Reynolds?) I would wear eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. But I'd reallllly like to cheat and add some blush or bronzer :)

  32. I follow you!

    Hmm, I love me both Ryans so I guess if I only could choose three it would be:

    1. Concealer
    2. Mascara
    3. bronzer

    I love the e.l.f. eyelid primer.
    I unfortunetly dont have anywhere around here where I live that sells E.l.f. products expect KMart and they NEVER have anything in. BOOOO!

  33. follower! love the eyeliner, lashes, and brush :)

  34. I'm a follower! :)
    For my date with Ryan Squared [What...I can't have them both?! :( ] I would wear Define-a-Lash Mascara, Mary Kay Powder foundation, and liquid black eyeliner.

    And I'm thinking I need to get some of that creme eyeliner because I am an eyeliner snob as well!

  35. Of course I follow you my little Lindsey Lou!

    If it were up to me, I'd be hitting the town with PLL's boyfriend, John Krasinski. Cute and funny, double win!

    Now, three items of make up?!
    1. Foundation-gotta look flawless!
    2. Mascara-the eyes need a little pop.
    3. Lip gloss-because who wants to kiss a dry lip?!

  36. yayyyy for international giveaways!!!!

    i obv follow you on GFC

    my three makeup products are

    #1 makeup forever HD foundation
    #2 loreal voluminous collagen mascara
    #3 lancome xl booster mascara primer


  37. i follow you, of course!
    i would CERTAINLY choose Ryan Gosling.... DUH!
    My 3 picks:
    eye liner

    oh, and i tweeted about it!

  38. I'm a follower!
    I would need mascara, powder and blush! :)

  39. I follow youuu

    I would first of all definitely be going with Ryan Reynolds. And I would wear....

    1.) foundation
    2.) mascara
    3.) blush

    maybe the date comes with the giveaway :)

  40. So sweet of you to hook me up with some E.L.F. really shouldn't have! ;)

    Sister (that's me!) could totally use the mascara, lip gloss and mist for my date with Ryan Reynolds. (and shh...let's not tell Beau about this little run in with Mr. Reynolds.)

  41. Yay! Following!

    only 3? For Ryan and Mr. Clooney..

    mineral powder, to even everything out

    mascara, to make my eyes look bigger

    clinique "black honey" almost lipstick, cause its lovely and almost perfect.

  42. MASCARA! Ya gotta have those flirty, come hither lashes.

    LIPGLOSS! A perfect is sure to seal the deal :)

    AND... A shimmery white-ish eyeshadow for all over the lid and inner corner. Perfection.

  43. Of course I follow you! I love E.L.F. products! I just wish I could use the gel eyeliner. I have such oily skin that no matter which brand and no matter how much primer potion I use, it just ends up spearing off my face!

  44. Let me try this again. :-)

    1. Foundation
    2. Blush
    3. Mascara

  45. i follow u of course..

    i want NUMBERS

    lovesss and huggsss

  46. I'm a follower, duh. And I would choose Ryan Reynolds... and I would need 1) mascara 2) face powder and 3) blush (or lip gloss, I can't decide!...I'll go with blush.) ;)

  47. of course I follow you!

    I would say my fav makeup products are...
    tarte cheek stains (any)
    benefit bad gal lash
    benefit high beam/erase paste!!

  48. Of course I'm a follower!
    Can my date be with BOTH the Ryans? Yes? Good.
    I would have to pick mascara, a mineral powder and a lipstick!

  49. I follow! :)

    My three products: mascara, bronzer and lip gloss!

  50. I follow you, obvi :)

    p.s. have you tried to e.l.f studio high definition setting powder yet? I loves it.

  51. While on a date with sexy shirtless Ryan Reynolds I would have to wear:

    foundation (to cover my zits, obvi)

    ...apparently I am super high maintenance because I can't imagine seeing anyone without adding about four other products to this list

  52. Ryan Gosling. Yes.

    -Black liquid eyeliner
    -Red lipstick

    Kinda old Hollywood glam style.

    I love Josh Hotnett the best, though.

  53. My 3 fav products:
    1.) concealer (for the bags under my eyes)
    2.) mascara
    3.) lipgloss

    LOVE elf, ever since your posts I've bought lots of their products!!

  54. You're one of my favorite blogs I follow!!!!

  55. I'm a follower!! I would definitely need mascara, tinted moisturizer and lip gloss!

  56. only three...lets see, probably mascara, foundation, and blush :)

  57. I'm a follower!!!

    And oh geez... You had to pick the two hottest men in Hollywood.

    But I pick Ryan Gosling. #omyword!
    1. Bare minerals mascara - true fan
    2. Ulta eyeliner - we share this obsession!
    3. Good ole fashioned chapstick

    So heck to the yes I'm in love with elf!!! Got me some products a few months ago and havent looked back. Waiting for a special occasion to try the fake eyelashes.

  58. Ryan Reynolds baby!!!! Oh that man is sexy...

    Definitely would have to go with concealer (got some mmaaajjjjjjaaaa dark circles), mascara (that mineral infused mascara is da bomb. It is better than my $23 Chanel crap.), and highlighter (nothing is better than a glow... and If I am going to dinner with this guy imma be lookin glow-y.)

  59. ryan gosling..drooling!

    following you of course :) (ashley brooke on gfc)

    i'd wear elf bronzer/blush duo, laura mercier silk creme foundation, and my smashbox lip gloss in illume!

    thanks :)

  60. Hmmmmm a date with R Gosling?? Fun.
    I need Laura mercier tinted moisturizer, Nars blush and my naked eyeshadow palette!!

  61. I'm a new follower and I LOVE your blog :)

    Hmmm my 3 things would be eyeshadow, mascara & lip gloss :)

  62. I'm a follower!

    Only 3 products?


    Mascara, liner and blush.
    I'd say gloss but my lips are dark and I need that pop of color on my cheeks!

  63. Ohhhh id def pick ryan gosling. Mmmm id wear mascara, foundation, and liner.

  64. Ohhhh id def pick ryan gosling. Mmmm id wear mascara, foundation, and liner.

  65. i follow you! what a great giveaway!

  66. the 3 items are mascara, foundation, and blush. :)

  67. I follow you! :)

    I would definitely wear:
    1. Foundation
    2. Eyeliner
    3. Lots of mascara

    Hopefully my husband wouldn't mind! haha ;)

  68. I follow you! My 3 items wow that is tough!

    1. MAC Studio Powder
    2. Mascara
    3. Lip gloss

    That is what I do on a super busy day and it at least gives me coverage, opens my eyes up, and makes my lips pop! HHHmmmm Ryan Reynolds?! He is suweet!

  69. I'm a follower!

    I love Ryan Reynolds, thanks for setting up the dinner.

    2)Super fun eyeshadow
    3)Pinkish lipgloss!

    Thanks for the give away!


  70. For my date with Ryan Reynolds, My three make up must haves-- eyeliner, mascara, bronzer or lipstick (depends on the season). And

  71. hmm, this is a hard one...I would have to pick the mascara, eyelid primer, and make up mist and set because I would be sweating up a storm from nerves and this girls hates running make up ;)

  72. Im a follower! I would wear : concealer to hide the dark circles, mascara to bat my eyes before he leans in for a kiss and bronzer baby!

  73. The one and only item I would need is EOS Lip Balm.

    I would be all over either one of those gentlemen in a microwave minute.

    LOVE your E.L.F. suggestions!

  74. I found your blog through A Momma's Desires. Its very cute :)

    For Ryan Gosling...ummm I'd need
    1. Mascara
    2. Blush/Bronzer
    3. Lipstick

  75. I am a follower right?? I would wear my MU4E foundation, my cream eyeliner, and orgasm blush. LOVE IT.

    xoxo muuuu lovah.

  76. I'm a follower.

    I would choose foundation, mascara (for sure!), and lip gloss.

    Oh and I would choose Ryan Reynolds over Ryan Gosling.

  77. I'm a follower! And I can't choose which Ryan, so can I just have both? :)

    I would wear:
    Elf eye shadow
    Elf mascara
    and Elf hypershine lipgloss.

    Swear I'm not sucking up by saying only elf products. It's really all I use now! :)

  78. Following!
    I would wear mascara (I use MAC zoom lash or blinc), shadow from my naked pallet, & blush (any).

    Awesome giveaway! Thanks :D

  79. So, true story. I was wandering around Targets Makeup aisle waiting for the hubby to call and confirm what kinda body wash he wanted and fell (literally) into the Elf section. After popping back up in attempts to save face, I went to tidy the stuff I knocked over and said (out loud) "OH! Bargain Blonde!" I quickly threw a few things into my basket without looking too closely at what they were. I got home and noticed that one of the items was three dif pots of eyeshadow in awesome colors. I was stoked that they went on so smoothly and blended well-usually that only happens w expensive stuff. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation.
    So, 1, I cant figure out how to follow you on Google Connect. Is that Google+? I'm following you on facebook. Does that count? :)

    And three things, mmmm Ryan Reynolds.. Eye Liner, Mascara and something to make me a lil less pale. :) Hope I win!!

  80. I'm a follower and Id wear:
    (And totally take Ryan Gosling...mmmm!) :)

  81. I'm a follower!

    I would wear mascara (Clinique Lash Doubling is my fave), eyeshadow, and foundation.

    Great giveaway, thanks!! :)

  82. Im obvi a follower and I would wear

    3.and nothing.

    because I am so naturally gorgeous that any makeup I put on my face just takes away from my God given fuckin' beauty.

  83. follower!

    oh geez, i'd wear foundation(mixedwithfacelotion...), mascara (hey, in a pinch it can be used as eyeliner too ;)) and LOTS of burts bees chapstick.

  84. I would wear elf tinted moisturizer, mascara, and eye liner...and could I go out with Johnny Depp instead please?

  85. I love your blog! I made sure I'm following you on google contacts now, but you've had a very loyal spot in my favorite blogs bookmark for a loooong time :)

    ...let's see as for the date for dinner, I'd pick Ryan Reynolds :)

    ...and I would wear
    Tinted Moisturizer (I swear by it)
    Mascara <--- small eyes!
    Blush (gotta look like I'm not dead cause also <--- PALE)

  86. im a follower!

    i would pick lip gloss, mascara and foundation!

  87. I love ELF too. I actually just picked up the $3 tinted moisturizer a couple weeks ago and absolutely love it. I have been recommeding it to friends :)

    1. I'd pick Ryan Gosling with Ryan R being a close close 2nd. Both wonderful pics I must say. I'd wear bronzer, eyeliner, and mascara because I suck at everything else.

    I'm a follower! :)

  88. I am a follower of course!
    My 3 products would be: tinted moisturizer, bronzer & mascara

    I would definitely choose Ryan Reynolds...yum! ;)

  89. After, I'm going with Ryan Gosling.

    I'd wear: bronzer, Maybelline Define A Lash mascara & C.O. Bigelow mentha lip balm.

  90. Ryan Gosling! YUM!
    I would have to pick, mascara so he'll notice when I bat my eyelash at him, eye shadow to give a little sparkle, and lip gloss to make my lips kissable :) haha

  91. this giveaway makes me feel like jesse spano on saved by the bell screaming 'i'm so excited, i'm so excited...'

  92. New awesome giveaway and I have never used ELF...I know, kill me.

  93. Anddd.... on a date with Ryan GOSLING I would wear mascara (cannot go anywhere without it), bronzer (NARS laguna) and blush.

  94. i'm a follower.

    and if i had to pick only 3 things... that would be:
    1. lipgloss/stick (lipbalm doesnt count as makeup, does it?!)
    3.light kajal (on the waterline)

  95. Oooooh, please enter me! I've heard you talk about e.l.f. but I've never used it. :) Well that's not true, I have an e.l.f. eyelash curler (that I love), but I've never used the makeup! I follow via GFC :)


  96. I'd definitely, definitely pick Ryan Gosling (OMG) and would wear:
    1. Dior Airflash foundation
    2. Cover Girl original blush in Soft Mink
    3. Nars lipgloss in Orgasm?

    Soooo hard to pick just 3. :|

  97. If I was having dinner with Ryan Gosling I would wear...eyeliner, bronzer, and lip gloss!

  98. I'm a follower and I would wear, foundation, eye liner and mascara. Does chapstick count as make-up?

  99. I'm a follower and I would choose the following:

    1. Urban Decay Naked Palette
    2. Maybelline Falsies Mascara
    3. E.L.F. Luscious Liquid Lipstick in Maple Sugar.

  100. I posted on Facebook about your giveaway!! :)

  101. I'm a follower! hmm I choose. oh man. can i have both men? thankyou. and i'd wear foundation, little bit of all over color, and eyeliner. no need for lipstick... it'll just come off ;) giggle.

  102. I follow you, of course!!! And let's see... I would definitely be doing dinner with Ryan Gosling! I'd be wearing...

    foundation, blush, and mascara!!!

  103. I'm a follower!

    Tough choice, but I love me some Ryan Gosling.. he's got the body of a God! ;)

    I'd wear eyeliner FOR SURE, lip gloss and mascara.. holla!

  104. I would wear foundation, mascara, and lip gloss. It's so hard to pick three, because I definitely want to say eyeliner too.

    I would choose Ryan Reynolds!

  105. I am following--- Super cute!!

    My 3:
    hard candy foundation
